Event Event Description Data Gathered Data Description
Page Visit When a user visits a page on your website, this is the information we collect about the page. Page URL
Page Title
Top Level Directory of Page (TLDP) For example, if the page URL is “company.org/subs/choose_your_own”, the TLDP would be “/subs”
Page Number in Session For example, if the user has visited four pages, when they go to the next page, we’d record it as their fifth (5) page in the session.
Traffic Source If Google Analytics campaign parameters are in the URL (utms) we capture those, otherwise we detect the traffic source and traffic medium based on the referring URL to the site Medium
Campaign Name If specified in the URL
Device Type The type of device used to view your website. Device For example, “iPhone”, “Linux – Android 5.0”
Tessitura Data On select pages your website may share Tessitura data through the “dataLayer” or within the source code. When they are available, these are the Tessitura data points we collect. Customer Number
Session Key This is the unique ID for the user’s shopping cart. We use this ID to determine if a cart has been abandoned.
Source Number The unique ID for a campaign or promotion.
Production Season Number If the user is on a production detail page associated with a Tessitura production, BI will capture the corresponding Tessitura Production Season Number.
Performance Number If a user is on a performance detail page associated with a Tessitura production, BI will capture the corresponding Tessitura Performance Number.
Package Number If the user is on a package detail page associated with a Tessitura package, BI will capture the corresponding Tessitura Package Number.
Video Engagement If a user plays a video. YouTube, JWPlayer, and Vimeo players are currently supported, with the possibility of extending support to other video players. Page URL
Video Action Video Plays, Video Completes, and the % of the total video the user watched (possible values are 25%, 50%, 75%)
Video Name
Audio Engagement If a user listens to an audio file on your website. SoundCloud player is currently support, with the possibility of extending support to other players. Page URL
Audio Action Audio Plays, Audio Completes, and the % of the total audio the user listened to (possible values are 25%, 50%, 75%)
Audio Name
Tap on a Phone Number If a user clicks on a phone number on your website. Typically, this only occurs on mobile devices. Page URL
Phone Number
Click on an email address If a user clicks on an email address on your website. Page URL
Email Address
Click on an Exit Link If a user clicks on a link that takes them away from the site, Behavior Infuser logs the link they clicked on, and the page where it happened. Page URL
Exit URL
Click on Social Property If a user clicks on a link to one of your social properties, like Facebook or Twitter. Page URL
Social URL
File Download If a user downloads a file on your website. Page URL
File Name
File Type For example: “PDF”
Custom We’re able to customize Behavior Infuser to track events specific to a client’s website. If you have a unique interactive event on your site that you’d like us to track, please let us know, and we can discuss feasability, and in some rare cases, additional cost.

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